The Living Waters
The Living Waters:
In the Book of John, Ch 4, vrs 14
Yeshua (Jesus) the Son of God myserioulsy reveals himself to a non Jewish woman (a semaritan woman) as the 'Living waters"
"Whosover drinks of the waters that I shall give, shall never thirst again"!
The free gift of God! For all who are thirsty and whosoever will!
Just as we are born into the earth through the waters of the womb, God has designed it to be so to enter his kingdom by his waters of eternal life. No man or woman can enter the kingodm of God unless he is Born from the kingdom, or Born again by his spirit. This is an actual spirit reality which takes place after you allow the Spirit of God seed your being with the truth and love of His Son Jesus, Jesus and his Holy Spirit will then lovingly, and continually, birth your entire life in to his kingdom whilst on the earth (as we let him, or follow him)
This is what he means when he says, drink, and never thirst again.
This image is an impression created based on the absolute truth of this I knew In my spirit after yeilding to the HolySpirit.(And continue too!) I beleive it imparts His spirit, and entire Kingdom.
Be blessed'